Sunday, July 19, 2015

MEXICO DENTAL TOURISM - Mexican Dentists, Mexico Dentist Prices and How We Saved - By Huffington Post

A US couple living in Mexico shares their experiences with dentists in Mexico.

  Cabo San Lucas Marina - Photo courtesy of Certified Dentists Internationale'

Sometimes you just don't see it coming.

Living in Merida, Mexico, at the time, we were dashing around the house and packing for an early flight when a tall American forehead met a low Spanish Colonial doorway, and a top front tooth snapped cleanly in half.

Once we returned from the trip, we called our dentist and got an appointment immediately. In three visits, he cast a color-matched cap for the tooth, ground a post from the remaining half of the real tooth, and fit the new cap perfectly. It was as if nothing had ever happened.

In the States we estimate that we'd have paid anywhere from $800 to $1,500 for the same work, depending on the type, location and material of the cap or crown. Our dentist in Mexico charged less than $475.  Even though it wasn't a large amount, we didn't have that much cash on us.

"That's fine," he said, "bring it in when you get it."

That's dentistry in Mexico, and throughout most of the rest of Latin America where we've visited and lived. In at least five Latin American cities or towns, we've had fillings, root canals, cleanings...

And the story is always the same... great quality work at half the cost or less of the same work in the U.S.

There are some local peculiarities, but for the most part, dental care from a qualified professional in any large metropolitan center in Mexico or the rest of Latin America isn't much different from in the States -- except for the price. Some doctors practice out of private offices in a converted part of their own homes. Others practice in larger specialized clinics or have offices in major medical centers.

Naturally, the higher the overhead, the more expensive the care, so you'll pay a premium for those fancy new offices and equipment. But on average, a visit to the office for a check-up runs $60.

Cleanings cost about the same (except in Ecuador where we now live and where we pay $30), and basic fillings average $80 or $95. More serious procedures vary in price depending on the individual situation, but dental implants, bridges and crowns are significantly less expensive than in the U.S.

Most dental work in our experience is paid for in cash. It is then up to the patient to make any insurance claims for reimbursement. But does anyone have dental insurance these days, we wonder?

It's very possible to spend next to nothing to have dental work done in a doctor's converted front-room office with 20-year-old equipment while speaking nothing but Spanish. But most of these dentist are career tooth pullers, who make their living off Mexicans who cannot afford to save their teeth as we are used to doing. 

But regardless of the equipment, surroundings or language skills, one thing you will find with most dentists throughout Latin America is an abundance of personal care and dedicated customer service.

And your dentist will also most likely give you his personal cell phone number in case you have any questions or discomfort after a procedure -- and he or she will actually answer the phone when you call, no matter the time of day or night.

If you're one of the more than 100 million Americans who lack dental insurance, then you should know: Costs for high-quality dental procedures abroad can be so low that you could easily combine a vacation (including airfare and hotel) with your care and still pay less than you would for the dental procedures alone in the States.

You don't want a dentist in the barrio or a dirt street border town doing your expensive dental makeover. Best get a Board Certified Dentist if you are having complicated dentistry. They are less than 1% of the dentists in Mexico but are the very best and typically cost the same as far less-skilled general dentists in Mexico.

Dental vacations and dental tourism have come of age - and it's a wonderful way to go if you are prepared and get the right dentist for your needs. 

ed - Be safe and get a Board Certified Mexico Dentist if you are having advanced dentistry in Mexico or anywhere else when you go on a dental vacation. 

Useful links:

Certified Dentists Internationale' - Dentists in Mexico and Asia

About Mexican - Website by US Dentist Dr. Nelson Henry who sends patients to certified dentists in Mexico for large treatments.

By Huffington Post  

 The Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association, Plaza Reforma, Mexico City DF, Mexico

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