Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DENTAL IMPLANT COSTS, DENTIST PRICES in MEXICO by Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association

Survey of DENTAL IMPLANT dentists, prices, in Tijuana, Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, Los Algodones, Cancun, Guadalajara, Mexico City by DENTAL TOURISM NEWS TODAY. Re-posted by the Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association

Here at the Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association we found this story interesting as I am sure all of you will who are considering having dental implants or the new mini implants in Mexico. -ed

The Cost of Dental Implants in Mexico

From Dental Tourism News Today 

"How much do dental implants cost in Mexico? Our Phoenix Editor at Dental Tourism News Today reviewed dental implant prices in Cabo, Tijuana, Puerto Vallarta and Cancun and found the cost dental implants in Mexico are about half of the cost of in the US and Canada but about 10-20% more than dental implant costs in Manila or Thailand. 

In the US we figure around  $3,400 to $6,000 per unit and sometimes as much as $7-8,000 at a pricey clinic in the upscale part of town if a sinus lift or bone graft are involved. The prices seems to be determined by how much more marble is in then clinic salon than bone graft material being used in the patient.

In Mexico and Asia, dental implants using name brands such as Nobel Biocare are only around $1,900 - $2,500 complete. 

Mini implant secured dentures or bridges (aka 4 on 1) are between $2,500 and $3,500 per upper or lower jaw in Mexico."  

Wherever you decide to have your dental implants - whether in Mexico or elsewhere - be sure to follow the advice of the American and Mexican Dental Associations and use the services of a Board Certified Dentist for your advanced dental procedures. 

In Mexico, certified dentists cost the same as general dentists so you can afford the best.

For more about Mexico dental implants and Mexico dental vacations, Free estimates and referrals contact: Board Certified Mexico Dentist Assn.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information on dental implants. It was very informative wiith the details that you provided. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
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