Thursday, July 30, 2015

10 IMPORTANT MEXICO DENTAL VACATION TIPS by the Board Certified Mexico Dental Association

Here's some great dental travel tips when planning your trip - follow them and you'll be sure to return with a beautiful new smile.

Reprinted with permission from Dental Tourism News Today 

By David Mandich, Cabo Mexico Health Care Writer

For perfect teeth and a perfect dental vacation, here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Get a good quote for your dentistry in Mexico before getting on that plane or in the car.

Send a copy of your dentist's treatment plan, x-rays or panoramic xray (if available) to the dentist in Mexico. The more information the Mexican dentist has, the more accurate quote he can make.  

Photos of your teeth are almost as good as a clinical analysis. If none of the above are possible - don't worry, x-rays (except panos) are gratis at most Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association member clinics. Panoramic x-rays for dental implants etc. are only $60us in Mexico vs. $150 - 250 in the US.

2. Figure out as best as possible how many dental implants, crowns, bridges etc. you require and detail it all in the clinic's online Contact Form. Be sure to note any health issues the dentist in Mexico should be made aware of.

3. Visit the Board Certified Mexico Dental Association website to find a certified dentist qualified to do the type of procedure(s) you are seeking. Unless you are having a routine cleaning, drilling or filling - you will be assured of the best results from a certified dentist rather than a less-skilled general dentist in Mexico.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

DENTAL ALERT - Inspector Clouseau Busts Boy Who Fakes Own Kidnapping to Avoid Dentist - PEOPLE MAGAZINE

A Case of Dental Phobia For Inspector Clouseau...

It was a tale straight out of a French thriller. 
A 12-year-old boy on the way to see his dentist was supposedly snatched off the street by a mysterious scar-faced visitor. The kidnapper drove to Saint-Gervais, near the Alps, where the boy was able to make a lucky escape.

The boy gave Saint-Gervais police a detailed description of the man – he was European, muscular and slightly shorter than average, wearing a black shirt and light jeans.
But despite their efforts, investigators could make no headway in finding the man. He had vanished into the thin Alpine air.
This was because, as French paper Midi Libre reported, he never existed in the first place.
After a month of searching for their man to no avail, police went back to the source. They examined security-camera footage from that fateful day in Bagnols and found no hint of the scarred man in the black shirt and light jeans, and no sign of his vehicle, which the boy had so dramatically described. 

Photo: Inspector Clouseau, fake French detective famed for busting the Pink Panther
They decided to interview the boy again. In the face of newly skeptical police questioners, the boy recanted everything. There never was a scar-faced man, and there never was a kidnapping. He had made it all up. 
The motive? He didn't want to go to the dentist. 

Running away seemed to be the only option. It's unlikely the boy will be charged with a crime, but he will likely face an even worse punishment: a trip to the dentist. Let's hope lying doesn't cause cavities. 

Originally published by People Magazine 

Repost by Dental Tourism News Co - Your source of dental vacation, dental tourism dentists, prices, news, articles and tips. Get Free dental tourism prices on dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, oral restoration info and more! Certified dentists in Mexico, Asia, Eastern Europe for savings of up to 75%!


Are you afraid of the dentist? Approx. 10% of the public is. You will feel more relaxed and comfortable when you visit a Board Certified Dentist for your important dental treatments as they have an array of sedations and technique to make the day go better. -ed

For Free Estimates and referrals to Board Certified Dentists in Mexico visit: 

Board Certified Mexico Dentist.Org,  

For dental holidays in Asia 
The Board Certified Asia Dentist Association

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

MEXICO DENTAL TOURISM - Mexican Dentists, Mexico Dentist Prices and How We Saved - By Huffington Post

A US couple living in Mexico shares their experiences with dentists in Mexico.

  Cabo San Lucas Marina - Photo courtesy of Certified Dentists Internationale'

Sometimes you just don't see it coming.

Living in Merida, Mexico, at the time, we were dashing around the house and packing for an early flight when a tall American forehead met a low Spanish Colonial doorway, and a top front tooth snapped cleanly in half.

Once we returned from the trip, we called our dentist and got an appointment immediately. In three visits, he cast a color-matched cap for the tooth, ground a post from the remaining half of the real tooth, and fit the new cap perfectly. It was as if nothing had ever happened.

In the States we estimate that we'd have paid anywhere from $800 to $1,500 for the same work, depending on the type, location and material of the cap or crown. Our dentist in Mexico charged less than $475.  Even though it wasn't a large amount, we didn't have that much cash on us.

"That's fine," he said, "bring it in when you get it."

That's dentistry in Mexico, and throughout most of the rest of Latin America where we've visited and lived. In at least five Latin American cities or towns, we've had fillings, root canals, cleanings...

And the story is always the same... great quality work at half the cost or less of the same work in the U.S.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DENTAL IMPLANT COSTS, DENTIST PRICES in MEXICO by Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association

Survey of DENTAL IMPLANT dentists, prices, in Tijuana, Cabo, Puerto Vallarta, Los Algodones, Cancun, Guadalajara, Mexico City by DENTAL TOURISM NEWS TODAY. Re-posted by the Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association

Here at the Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association we found this story interesting as I am sure all of you will who are considering having dental implants or the new mini implants in Mexico. -ed

The Cost of Dental Implants in Mexico

From Dental Tourism News Today 

"How much do dental implants cost in Mexico? Our Phoenix Editor at Dental Tourism News Today reviewed dental implant prices in Cabo, Tijuana, Puerto Vallarta and Cancun and found the cost dental implants in Mexico are about half of the cost of in the US and Canada but about 10-20% more than dental implant costs in Manila or Thailand. 

In the US we figure around  $3,400 to $6,000 per unit and sometimes as much as $7-8,000 at a pricey clinic in the upscale part of town if a sinus lift or bone graft are involved. The prices seems to be determined by how much more marble is in then clinic salon than bone graft material being used in the patient.

In Mexico and Asia, dental implants using name brands such as Nobel Biocare are only around $1,900 - $2,500 complete. 

Mini implant secured dentures or bridges (aka 4 on 1) are between $2,500 and $3,500 per upper or lower jaw in Mexico."  

Wherever you decide to have your dental implants - whether in Mexico or elsewhere - be sure to follow the advice of the American and Mexican Dental Associations and use the services of a Board Certified Dentist for your advanced dental procedures. 

In Mexico, certified dentists cost the same as general dentists so you can afford the best.

For more about Mexico dental implants and Mexico dental vacations, Free estimates and referrals contact: Board Certified Mexico Dentist Assn.

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